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Pumpkin Dumpling with Dried Meat

RecipePumpkin Dumpling with Dried Meat

Ingredients: Pasta: - 180g sliced ​​Japanese pumpkin - 50 ml of chicken broth (or the minimum necessary to cook the pumpkin) - 10g butter - 30g of wheat flour - Slightly beaten egg yolk to bread - Bread flour for breading - Frying oil - Salt to taste Filling: - 100g of dried meat soaked the day before (changing the water every 4h) - 1 tablespoon olive oil - 1/2 chopped onion - Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste Method of preparation: Pasta: Cook the pumpkin with the chicken stock, squeeze or beat in the blender until
it turns into a puree. Put in a pan, add the butter and flour gradually.
Stir with a wooden spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add water if necessary.
The dough will reach the correct point when it comes off the spoon or,
when pushed with the spoon, the bottom of the pan appears. Check the salt and let it cool. Dried meat: In a pan, cook the meat in salted water until tender. Drain, shred and sauté
in olive oil with onion, salt and pepper. Let cool. Finalization: Put some of the pumpkin dough in the palm of your hand and open it on a minidisk.
Fill with the dried meat and close it in the shape of a croquette.
Empane with egg yolk and flour. Fry in hot oil (180ºC to 200ºC) until golden brown.
Drain and serve. Nutritional value: 341 Kcal per 100g.

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