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Chocolate Syrup with Coffee Mousse


Chocolate Syrup With Coffee Mousse

Ingredients: - 1 cup strong hot tea - 1 cup fresh sour cream - 1 and 1/2 cup of sugar tea - 1 and 1/2 cup of milk tea - 2 unflavored gelatin powder envelopes - 5 eggs - 1/2 cup of fresh sour cream - 200 g half chopped bitter chocolate Chantilly: - 1 cup fresh sour cream - 1 tablespoon of sugar Method of preparation: In a pan, dissolve the gelatin in the very hot coffee. Add the milk and cream
and bring to low heat to warm, without boiling. Book it. Beat the egg yolks until whitish
and volume doubling and add 1/2 of the cup of sugar, making a cream very fluffy.
Stir in the cream of the egg yolks with the coffee cream still hot and bring to low heat,
without boiling, until slightly thickened. Let it cool for about 30 minutes. Beat the egg whites and add the remaining sugar. Mix gently to the coffee cream,
put in a shape and bring back to the refrigerator for 5 hours. Syrup: Heat the fresh cream, add the chopped chocolate and stir until dissolved. Let cool.
For the whipped cream, beat the cream with the sugar until it thickens.
Garnish the mousse with syrup and whipped cream. Makes 6 servings. Nutritional value: 480 kcal per serving.

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