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Quick Sausage Pie


Quick Sausage Pie

Ingredients: Pasta: - 1 1/2 cup of milk tea - 3/4 cup of oil - 4 tablespoons melted margarine - 2 eggs - 2 tablespoons cornstarch - 2 teaspoons of wheat flour - 2 tablespoons baking powder - 200g grated parmesan - 2 tablespoons of dye - 4 tablespoons chopped parsley salt to taste Filling: - 300g sausage slices - 2 chopped tomatoes - 1 chopped onion - olives without chopped lumps, to taste oregano spreads - wheat flour for sprinkling Method of preparation: Preheat oven to medium (180 ° C). Put in the blender cup milk, oil,
margarine and eggs and beat quickly to blend. With the appliance working,
add the other ingredients of the dough, beat until well blended. Taste and,
if necessary, add more salt. I knead a refractory form with margarine,
sprinkle with wheat flour and pour half of the dough into the form. Prepare the filling, mixing in a bowl, all the ingredients and put in the form.
Cover the filling with the rest of the dough and bring to the preheated oven to
bake until golden brown.

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