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Vegetables and Fruits Muffins

Vegetables and Fruits Muffins

Vegetables and Fruits Muffins


– 1 carrot unit
– 1 unit small zucchini
– 1/2 tablespoon margarine
– 1 cup wheat flour
– 1 cup whole wheat flour
– 2 tablespoons cinnamon powder
– 1 1/3 cup sugar
– 5 tablespoons dehydrated fruit
– 1 1/2 tablespoon baking powder
– 1 cup (tea) oil
– 2 egg units

Method of preparation:

Grate carrot and zucchini and set aside. In a container, sift the
flours, cinnamon and sugar. Add the dehydrated fruits, the yeast
powder and mix well. Make a cavity in the center of this mixture and
put the grated vegetables, the oil and the eggs slightly beaten.
Stir well until it forms an almost homogeneous mass. Grease Cups
for muffins and divide the dough, filling 2/3 of them. Bake
preheated to 180º C for 20 minutes or until the muffins are
well grown, tall in the center and cute when touched. Serve it hot
or at room temperature.

Tip: Enrich the preparation with nuts or nuts from Pará.

Yield 12 servings.

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