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Small Bean Cracker

Small Bean Cracker

Small Bean Cracker



– 2 cups of wheat flour

– 100g butter

– 2 tablespoons of sugar

– 1 egg


– 50g grated coconut

– 1 can of condensed milk

– ½ cup of sugar tea

– 1 tablespoon of butter

– 3 gems

Method of preparation:

Pasta: In a bowl put the flour, butter, sugar and lightly beaten egg. With your hands, mix all the ingredients until obtaining a homogeneous and smooth mass. Wrap the dough with foil and let it sit for 10 minutes in cooling. Open the dough with the aid of a rolling pin, with a round cutter cut the dough and place in unsweetened (empadinha) pans. Put the filling and bake in the oven (180ºC) preheated for 20 minutes.

Filling: In a bowl, put the grated coconut, condensed milk, sugar, butter and egg yolks, mix well and set aside.

Serves 4 servings.

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